When I was younger there were various television shows that showcased a selection of scary tales. Usually the narrator would come on, make some mysterious introduction of the story, and the clip would start. When I read the description of Trick 'r Treat, I was halfway expecting a similar format to follow. I was pleasantly surprised from the very start. The beginning was, as all horror movie beginnings should be, pleasant but foreshadowing, with no narrator in sight. We dove right into the horror, before the opening credits even began rolling.
This movie has a lot of back and forth interweaving between the stories. And even a story within a story. It moves from slow
build up to high energy and back again, with small glimpses between one story and another. Just as one story is building to the climax, we switch to another that's just getting started, and then back again for the wrap up. This unique form of storytelling makes this movie comparable to a roller-coaster ride. With various twists and loop-de-loops along the way.
If you're looking for a gore-fest this probably isn't the movie for you. While there is blood, and some dismemberment, there is virtually no gore in this movie. The special effects are actually rather minimal and
there is very little of the sudden startle horror. This is one of the few scary movies, however, where the acting and writing are top notch. There are plenty of twists and surprise endings to keep you on the edge of your seat. The acting is believable.
Overall, this isn't the scariest movie you could ever watch. I recommend it for those occasions when you just want something to give you a small shiver or a quick jump. I wouldn't recommend letting children watch, however. While there's not a lot of smut, there are a couple of tit shots and some sexual references. If anything, this is a movie to watch with your significant other (should you both have an interest in scary movies).
My final rating: 8.5 out of 10. An exceptional film that I would enjoy watching over and over again.
Happy Haunting!